It can be a little too easy to forget that even in modern city life, our bodies are in flux with the seasons of the natural world. Understanding why we use a Seasonal Focus at Suna Pilates will help you get more out of your workout, and take better care of your body.
Throughout each year our workouts change and evolve in tune with the seasonal needs of our bodies. As well as adding variety to workout sessions and presenting you with the opportunity to deepen your Pilates skills; and create a hot, healthy body - these changes to the exercises in each session are carefully planned to maximise the seasonal strengths of our bodies as the year turns.
Summer is the season to move it & use it
As the weather grows hotter, and the days are longer, summer is the body's time to reap all it can!
In summer we can naturally stay up longer and normally wake earlier. There are more energy-replenishing seasonal foods available.
These factors combine to mean that we have more energy available, so we can effectively exert more energy. Summer is the perfect time to build strength and physical ability; and it is the time when our bodies are most capable of doing so.
Autumn is time for storing
Just like the rest of nature, autumn is time for us to prepare for the shorter days of winter.
By autumn, we should have our “build” and our “gains” well underway. We want to store up our strength, health and vitality for the Winter season.
Breathing becomes a major focus in autumn as it “locks in” our gains, and prepares the body for winter well. Better breathing and higher oxygen saturation reduce the risk of lung issues, depression and general poor health during the shorter, darker days.
Winter is for maintenance & self-care
During winter our bodies do their version of hibernation. We don't have access to a wide range of fresh ‘in season" food that naturally builds energy, and you will find that the seasonal food on offer is designed to maintain energy levels.
If we push ourselves hard and utilise more energy than we can regain, we may experience ill health and low vitality and energy.
In winter we work to maintain our strength, stability and mobility in workouts. If we have too much out-put we can get sick. The winter season is the ideal time to give love, attention and care to our bodies. In winter, going to bed earlier is always a good idea.
Spring is the season for energy & cleansing
In spring as the days become lighter earlier and later, and the weather is finer and warmer, we have more daylight hours and more welcoming conditions for outside pursuits.
Our bodies are ready to be 're-woken' from their winter state and we need to shake off any excess weight or toxins that we have accumulated. Detox is easiest and most effective in spring.
Spring is time to invigorate, energise and excite the physical body!
We want to set ourselves up physically and mentally up to be able to grow, blossom and gain health and vitality during the summer season.
We would love to answer any questions you have about seasonal changes! Let us know if you want to learn more.