I’ve started a strict 6 day per week training programme for the Queenstown Full Marathon…. a distance I’ve run once before... pre-baby. If I’m going to run successfully, I need to send my wine bottles and bad diet on a holiday for a few weeks, and start listening to my body better.
To assist this journey, I was tipped off that Kinesiolgy and SunaForm Pilates classes might assist with aligning my body, posture and breathing, therefore getting more performance from my body. Sounds good!
Being a person who has always preferred high-intensity training, I had never tried any form of pilates before, but I was promised high intensity at Suna. I walked tentatively into the SunaForm pilates studio for an introduction.
A marathon runner's verdict on Pilates & kinesiology
I was surprised and impressed with the workout and humoured by the intensity of the mechanical breathing my group was capable of producing. Susie, Suna's Master Pilates Instructor, took our class. She was informative and helpful with getting the positions correct, and getting the most out of my body. Whilst physically shaking through the movements I could feel my body constantly trying to cheat its way through, and had to use mental strength to try and keep everything aligned.
Impressed further, when I ran 16 km the next day; and felt more comfortable than when I ran the lesser distances in my training thus far.
Next was Kinesiology. I actually had to google what this meant, and what I could expect from this session! After suitably been poked, prodded and informed, we worked on my tight hip. I walked out brighter and more positive, yet scratching my brow on how to reduce my over-worked adrenal glands.
Pilates as part of a very, very busy training schedule
I can definitely feel how SunaForm Pilates can help with my running training. My biggest conundrum is how do I fit 3 training runs, 3 cross trainings, 1 massage, 2 Pilates classes, 1 kinesiology session, 1 nutritionist session, weekends snowboarding, constant parenting (never a break there) and running my own business into the next 15 weeks until race day?
I think I just nailed the same issue my adrenal glands are dealing with!
I’m positive going forward that Suna Pilates will help me reduce injury and increase performance…. I’ll keep you posted on my training progress and how the team at Suna Pilates can help make that 42 km a better experience.
Pilates report by Nikki - runner, mum, designer. Thanks Nikki!